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Women of Inspiration Day 18: Mother Nature & Mom's everywhere

Today is World Water Day. Water covers over two thirds of our planet yet is the most rapidly depleted resource by the human species. It is essential to life, yet even in the most civilized cultures, we contaminate our own drinking water and have resorted to bottled water as a "healthy alternative". If that alone isn't sad enough, our mindless consumerism supports corporate empires that are polluting the water sources in far off lands to manufacture our stuff (don't miss this link to the Story of Stuff). It's a vicious cycle that we are a part of and do have the power to change.

My Tribute as a Woman of Inspiration today goes out to Matt Damon's Mom. Until today I didn't even know her name, and that is part of the beauty of her graceful existence. There is work in this world that divinely feminine and by clear focus and intention seeds can be planted that do change the world. It is no secret, I adore Matt Damon. He is the boy next door friend of the world. His work empowering people to thrive all over the world is astoundingly grounded, and for that his mother really does deserve the spotlight. As an activist for global solutions, my biggest influence for core values to be a part of the solution was my travel to Albania in 1996. First hand witnessing third world devastation ignited a fire in me. Not only to make choices in my life that are true and good and best in sustainability. That fire coupled with rich experiences with nature, a drive for continued learning (which essential is what life is all about), and a craving for enlightenment, has lead me to also be diligent in raising awareness to the apparel industry's environmental and social repercussions (to that outfit that I bought for my kid at Target). This fire keeps me focused in building My Alibi on high integrity and supporting all brands that are like-minded in their quest to manufacturing standards that take care of people and the planet.

My Alibi is much more than the bike. My Alibi is what the bike does to move us socially towards sustainable community. I am really excited to about some major announcements that will be happening over the next few months. Stay tuned as the Wonder Bloomers (which TODAY is the last DAY to get the PreSale price of $70!!) campaign is just the first of New things up my sleeve. ~Ok, I'll let one out of the bag now, we will be at the Sea Otter Classic this year and I am organizing the Pedal Style Fashion Show on Saturday afternoon. (if you have an item that you want in the show it's not to late so message me). It should be really fun as we will showcase the spectrum of cycling with a lot of uniqueness.

Back to Matt Damon's Mom: So she was the guiding angel that took him on amazing journeys around the world sparking his fire to not only be apart of the change, but lead the change. For this she shines as a bright example to me of how each and every moment we as mothers spend tuned in to our children the bigger the impact we have on the solution. My child is only 6 and his wisdom is great. I want that spark to burn strong and allow him to find his way to be the change in the world that allows us to thrive. I hope you'll take the time to really listen to the project. I hope you'll go to a water source today and Unify with our meditation at 3pm anywhere. I hope you'll find that spark and pedal it forward. I will be signing off my devices today so if you see this please share then go be present with the people you love.

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