What's in the name?
Bloomers have a long history. I did not invent them. If you poke around at all about the history of woman and the bike you will surely read a Susan B Anthony quote or two and see a lot connections between the bicycle and the sufferages, women's empowerment and the evolution to women wearing pants. Bloomers were a big part of the revolution. As skirts got shorter and more functional, Bloomers were essential to women riding a bicycle. Over the years just as underwear has shrunk in coverage so have Bloomers. My Alibi Bloomers have changed the face of women riding bikes and inspired many many versions of new bike underwear for both men and women. Before the Bloomers were released in 2007 most liner shorts were built out of a mesh material with elastic thigh bands and inadequate foam padded liners and sewn into the skirts (or worse skorts) to create an awefully binding experience that limited your bike wardrobe to this one garment.
Now there are a good 20 brands making bike underwear. I am not sure why so many of them refer to the cut as Boy Shorts or Boy Underwear as I don't know too many girls that wear their boyfriends boxers, or worse, ride in them! I think this just symbolizes the gender issues in the bike industry. I haven't gotten into this business to re-invent the wheel but rather keep going the evolution of a feminine pedal revolution that has been rolling through history since the invention of the bike.

Many of the bike underwear styles you will find at half the price of the My Alibi Bloomers are made in Asia and re-inventions of the traditional Lycra Bike Short. My Alibi Bloomers are cut and designed to fit as an evolution of women sewn Bloomers with the technology of a highly sophistocated Italian gel chamois, made in Morroco supporting a community and the highest standards in clean manufacturing. Standards not currently available in the USA.
I have chosen my fabrics, padding, ergonomics, fit and so on to accommodate a broad range of women and an even wider range of outfits. I hope you love them and appreciate a little more background on the name. Smile and enjoy the ride~