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Letting Go to realize true Destiny

In these last days of 2014, I have been reflecting on the joys and struggles of the year. I can't help but to write this year off as painfully unfair yet I know there's a silver lining. How can an eternal optimist confess to such a gloomy resolve? Well, how about this:

JANUARY: I tried to go to DC to connect and inspire at the National Bike Summit only to spend a Sunday flying from DesMoines to Minniapolis and back to DesMoines in time for the Emmy's due to STORM TITIAN.

Total Loss: $800 with no refunds and failed Wonder Bloomer Campaign (which I had planned to promote in person)

APRIL: During our trip to the Sea Otter Classic to debut the Pedal Boutiques to the cycling community, my 10 year old custom Hunter Single Speed was stolen.

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Total Loss: Priceless but $8000 between the bike and the expectations of FREE everything at the Otter leaving sales meager

MAY: In the attempt to release highly requested new products I launched another Kickstarter for the 3 amazing Cami Tops, but only earned the support of 32 backers leaving the project un-funded.

Total Loss: your loss that cost me a lot of productive momentum.

JUNE: As our family relocated back to California we lost an amazing community of friends in DesMoines, Iowa that really taught us to not take life so seriously. Genuine Fun Bike People that will forever be in our hearts. We also lost the comforts of our home and ease of getting around by bike only. Letting go of the opportunity to teach yoga regularly left a hole in my spirit I am still searching to fill.

Total Loss: Love, connection and a good $4000 moving expense

BetaBrands Release

I'll stop there. Why? Because this is no pitty party. This is reality of following a dream. A dream to give the world my best. A dream to inspire. A dream to allow my creative process yeild the necessities of life. Instead of finding the answers, I have found more questions. Instead of feeling supported, I am alone. While my husband works 7 days a week long and labor intensive to provide for our family, I must let go and just be the best mother and wife I can muster. I must let go of control of dream to allow it to come into fruition. You see, this thing that I call My Alibi is more then I can reveal to world. It is the change that I want to see in the world. It is the awakening of social consciousness to understand the value of our consumer dollars to create or corrupt. You see, to me the bike integrated lifestyle is not a sport or utilatarian concept that is dogmatic. THE BIKE INTEGRATED LIFESTYLE IS A SOLUTION. A Solution to many of our worlds biggest problems. Once you get on a bike and start pedaling, you will see. Life can be simplier, more connected and full of balance and love. But it takes every one of us to be determined to be the change that we want to see in the world. For that all my losses in 2014 are making room for a better us in 2015. By believing that you can, we will change the world!

If you made it to the end of this rant: Thank You. I want to hear You this year. Call me. Text me. Email me. PM me. Tag me. Or just show up. I am here to collaborate with you.

Smile and enjoy the climb!

Abbie Durkee

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